All That Remains: SALTWATER

Suzanne Davey, All that Remains, ceramic, salt, 50cm x 250cm x 100cm

All That Remains featured in SALTWATER, a group exhibition at Manly Art Gallery curated by Katherine Roberts. The ceramic sculpture and salt installation responds to the ocean as a dystopic landscape. It explores the sea as a place where contemporary human dramas are played out as people seek sanctuary and safe harbour, and as a site of irreversible ecological and geographical loss in a climate changed future. The work is a fragile memorial relic that references our complex cultural, psychological and corporeal connections to the ocean through motifs of human and marine anatomy as well as maritime architecture. Despite human loss and environmental destruction ‘what remains’ is the chance to seek new responses and political solutions to human struggles.

Suzanne Davey, All That Remains, ceramic, salt, 50cm x 250cm x 100cm

UNFURL: exhibition at Eramboo Artist Environment

unfurl: to reveal or unfold, become, uncoil, open, develop, expose, gradually change, expand, blossom

Suzanne Davey, Trajectory, side view, ceramic, thread, wood, nails, paint, sand, 40  cm x 50 cm x  30 cm

Eramboo Artist Studio celebrated its newly renovated Gallery and the three new studios with an exciting contemporary art exhibition, UNFURL,  held 1 March – 17 March 2013. It revealed itself to be a cutting edge centre of contemporary arts production and innovation by showcasing the work of eight of its artists. On view were painting, sculpture, printmaking, and ceramics by Irene Gorman, Lisa Marshall, Michelle Perrett, Eva Frengstad, Bridget Armstrong, Christina Frank, Suzanne Davey and Sally Howe. The exhibition was curated by Manly Art Gallery’s distinguished senior curator, Katherine Roberts.
Eramboo is located in a beautiful and unique bushland setting in Terrey Hills in the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Here artists are mentored by artistic directors Susan Milne and Greg Stonehouse, two of Australia’s most prominent public artists, to develop a robust professional practice. 
Trajectory, back view, ceramic, thread, wood, nails, paint, sand, 40  cm x 50 cm x  30 cm

Trajectory, detail, ceramic, thread, wood, nails, paint, sand, 40  cm x 50 cm x  30 cm

Re-Configured, installation detail, ceramic, sticks, steel, paint 110 cm x 120 cm x 15 cm

Re-Configured, ceramic detail, ceramic, sticks, steel, paint 110 cm x 120 cm x 15 cm

Re-Configured, ceramic detail, ceramic, sticks, steel, paint 110 cm x 120 cm x 15 cm

Re-Configured, installation view without lighting,
 ceramic, sticks, steel, paint 110 cm x 120 cm x 15 cm

Nest, ceramic, sticks, resin, wood,, 50 cm x  25cm x  20 cm

Afterwards, ceramic, glass, charcoal, paint, 20 cm x 45 x 25
Maquette for BREATH, fabric, steel, bamboo, 150 cm x 110 cm x 100 cm

Maquette for BREATH, fabric, steel, bamboo, 150 cm x 110 cm x 100 cm
A selection of sculptures by Suzanne Davey, exhibition installation view
A selection of sculptures by Suzanne Davey, exhibition installation view
Eramboo Artist Environment exterior view
Eramboo Artist Studio Eva Frengstad